AI Collective

A Global AI Community for Christ

Click here to watch the replay of first AI Colective Gathering on May 16, 2024

Who we are

A collective of mission-driven organizations and individuals that recognize the potential of artificial intelligence to catalyze transformative change in the Christian domain. Our objective is to foster dialogue among such organizations and address challenges emerging within the realm of AI.

Group of Hands coming Together
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Who we Serve

The AI Collective strives to unite individuals from diverse backgrounds, operating in various ministry sectors and offering diverse perspectives. Its primary objective centers on promoting collaborative efforts and collective innovation, welcoming everyone to participate in this initiative.

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Ministry and Church Leaders

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Developers and Engineers

Span of Focus

While some are involved in product development and others wrestle with AI ethics, we eagerly anticipate our community encompassing a diverse range of perspectives.

Action Oriented

Product builders, Tool creators

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Intellectually Oriented

Thinkers, Theologians , Academics

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Primary Working Pillars

We aim to be the hub for products, community, and content on faith and AI.

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Consolidating efforts in developing AI products and tools and leveraging open-source resources to enhance Bible translation and contribute to kingdom growth.

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Establishing a community of enthusiasts with a keen interest in AI and technology across various organizations encompassing both virtual and in-person gatherings in addition to a dedicated online community.

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Providing relevant and up-to-date content through podcasts, webinars and newsletters. Sharing knowledge and experience amongst technical and non-technical groups and listing all available resources in the community

It's the perfect moment for every individual in the AI-Faith domain to come together, work together, create, dream, and innovate as a collective. Let's align our visions, combine our resources, and amplify our influence.